I love emacs
. The consistent interface, strong scripting language
(even if elisp has dynamic scope), and easy extensibility make it a joy
to use. Just off the top of my head, emacs
has these applications to
make it worth living in:
- Org-Mode
- Gnus
- AucTeX, with its live preview
- eshell/ ansi-term
- evil-mode
- Dired
- Proof General (for formal language work in Coq, Agda, etc.)
But I use (neo)vim as my editor. And it’s really for 2 features: good composable commands and easy temporary mappings.
Text objects are amazing once you get used to them. Evil mode has them,
but mapping keys in evil-mode
is annoying, and temporary vim
In vim
, you can do this:
:nnoremap s diw<right>
is less friendly to that sort of ad-hoc mapping.
I also like the true color of neovim
, but that’s secondary.