Most people don’t seem all that fired up about mackerel, especially for things other than sushi (grilled or fried). To be fair, it does spoil awfully fast.
On the other hand, freshness is the most important aspect to good fish, so you should be eating fresh mackerel anyway.
Mackerel has this strong flavor I like. I hate tilapia for just being so damned dull. It’s the fish they serve in old-people diners that also don’t believe in salting food.
Mackerel is really cheap in a lot of areas.
But more than any other fish except perhaps salmon, it can be cooked in basically any way.
- Fried
- Grilled
- Stewed
- Raw
- Steamed
- Canned
- Pickled (not recommended for non-Scandinavians)
- Stuffed
Try it. Or at least give up tilapia.