Nice Tab Navigation in Vim

Making tabs in Vim is annoying. So I wrote a function to make it less annoying.

Poem 1

Incomplete haiku
A trip, a stumble, a Fall
Story of our life

How to Travel Alone

If you want to know the truth of who you are, walk until not a person knows your name. Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass. A long stretch of road will teach you more about yourself than a hundred years of quiet."

Friend Is A Very Small Word

Friend is a very small word,

A little sound we make,

For one who is true, one who will do,

Great deeds for friendship’s sake.

Useful Restaurant Ranking Scale

I didn’t come up with this, but I wish I did. All credit to Noah Hayes for this. Unless he took it from someone else. Then all credit to that person.

Stacks As Linked Lists

I give you these pretty pictures to show how a stack is just a linked list, tilted 90 degrees.

Metacademy: What Happened?

One of the most interesting ideas I came across in the past few months was Metacademy. Its knowledge graph idea was less interesting to me than the idea that you could break knowledge up into prerequisites such that you could study without ever getting stuck.

Book Review: Think Better by Tim Hurson

I didn’t get all that far into this book because it’s a mix of pop psych and shitty research.

Making rm slightly safer

Lots of people alias rm to rm -i for the sake of safety. Another thing that helps is not typing rm -rf ./files and instead typing rm -rf files. The ./ prefix is easily mistyped, and can lead to any of the following scenarios:

Crippling Your Technology, Part 1

Sometimes it feels like I blog only when I can’t sleep. Maybe that’s why these posts lack content.

Quotient spaces, visually understood

Quotient spaces until recently gave me a great deal of trouble. I had no intuition for them, and no image to latch on to.

More Diverse Music Thanks To Computers

I was just going through my to-do list about 10 minutes ago and one item on it was “listen to more diverse music”. Well, I’m lazy and that’s never going to happen on its own. So I wrote a short shell script to make it easier.

Custom infix operators

I started thinking of this after mucking around with Python’s os module a lot more recently.

My First Vim Plugin

I wrote a Vim plugin to replace Notational Velocity.

Researchers should buy an iPad Pro

I’ve got a lot of use out of my iPad Pro. I think it’s one of the few purchases that makes you more productive as a researcher, and I’ve convinced a lot of researchers to buy it. Now I’ll try to convince you.

Training Yourself To Build A Better Workflow On A Computer

Some Cringy Self-Promotion